Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mystical Cambodia

Cambodia, a land of mystic and yet charming to those who visit this kingdom. Ascend into the heavens, one would find the mother of all temples, Angkor Wat, a beautiful fusion of symbolism, symmetry and spirituality. Descend into hell, one would come face to face with the terror of the Khmer Rouge and its killing machine at the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum. Welcome to Cambodia, a country with a history both inspiring and depressing, an intoxicating place where the future is awaiting to be shaped.

Cambodia, a country borders Thailand to its west and northwest, Loas to its northeast and Vietnam to its east and southeast. In the south, it faces the Gulf of Thailand. Inland from the coast, lies the Cardamom Mountains which consists of vast tropical wilderness that provides a

home to the wildlife and also an emerging ecotourism adventures. There are abundance of natural attractions including waterfalls and crater lakes that one can hardly find in other parts of the world. For a photographer who enjoys the wildlife and the natural beauty, this is a place not to be missed.

Against the backdrop of the beautiful nature, life is no picnic for the average Cambodian. It remains one of the poorest countries in Asia and it's a tough existence for the population as they battle for survival against the nature and sometimes their politicans.

In 1975, when the Khmer Rouge abolished the education system, destroying text books, teaching materials and publishing houses. Schools and Universities were closed and put to other uses. The Chao Ponhea Yat High School was one of those schools that were converted into a prison and interrogation centre which is called Security Prison 21 ("S21"). During this period, qualified teachers, researchers and technicans either fled the country or died. When the new Cambodian Government came into power in 1979, they reconstructed the educational system, making basic education compulsory for nine years. The education system faced many difficulties due to shortage of qualified teaching staff , low morale due to low wages and teaching materials.
School attendance are low as children in rural areas are expected to stay home and help their families in the field. The picture above depicts how young children helps golfers to pick up golf balls which landed in the water by collecting US$0.50 per ball.

One of the places that one must visit is the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum. Be prepared to the atrocities that the Khmer Rouge inflict on its people. Please be advise that do not go after a meal or else you......

If you are a tourist visiting Cambodia for the first time, are you glad that this didn't happen to you? Each life is precious and to do what the Khmer Rouge did to its own people is beyond imagination.

If you have not been to Cambodia, try it, you won't regret it. The Cambodians have been through hell and back and they have prevailed with their smiles intact. They have an unbreakable spirit and optimism which will definitely rub onto you, just like me...

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